Sunday, January 31, 2010

High Performing Schools - Middle School and High School - according to Just 4 Kids

The organization National Center for Education Achievement a/k/a Just 4 Kids determined the following middle schools and high schools were high performing. Their methodology is described here for middle school and here for high school It's a fairly complicated methodology. They consider TAKS scores over 3 years, demographics, academic growth, and adequate information (which would impact newer schools) among other things. It compares schools to other schools with similar demographics.

The middle school academic areas are reading, math, writing, social studies and science. The high school academic areas are the same, minus writing.

Middle Schools

The following middle schools were high performing in all areas:

Dawson - Carroll ISD
West - Coppell ISD
Travis Talented & Gifted magnet - Dallas ISD
Highland Park - Highland Park ISD
McKamy - Lewisville ISD
Sloan Creek - Lovejoy ISD
Rice - Plano ISD
Robinson - Plano ISD
Parkhill - Richardson ISD

Here is the full list of middle schools who were deemed high performing in at least one academic area:

School - academic areas that are high performing

Allen ISD
Ereckson - math, writing, social studies, science
Ford - math, writing, social studies
Curtis - social studies

Anna ISD
Anna - reading, math, writing

Argyle ISD
Argyle - reading

Arlington ISD
Bailey - math

Carroll ISD
Carroll -reading, math, writing, science
Dawson - all areas

Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD
Blalack - reading, social studies, science
Bush - reading, social studies, science
Field - social studies
Long - social studies, science
Perry - science
Polk - science

Coppell ISD
East - reading, math, writing, science
North - reading, math, writing, science
West - all areas

Dallas ISD
Environmental Science - math, science
Walker - math
Dealey - reading, math, writing, science
Rangel girls school - reading, math, writing, social studies
Greiner - math
Travis Talented & Gifted magnet - all areas

Denton ISD
Navo - reading

Frisco ISD
Clark - math, social studies, science
Griffen - reading, writing, social studies, science
Pioneer Heritage - writing, social studies, science
Roach - social studies, science
Staley - writing
Wester - math, writing, science

Garland ISD
Austin Academy of Excellence - reading, social studies, science
Brandenburg - social studies, science
Coyle - science
Lyles - reading
Sellers - reading, math
Schrade - social studies
Webb - reading, social studies

Grapevine-Colleyville ISD
Colleyville - reading, social studies, science
Heritage - writing

Gunter ISD
Gunter - math, writing, science

Highland Park ISD
Highland Park - all areas

Hurt Euless Bedford ISD
Hurst - math, social studies, science

Irving ISD
Austin - reading
Lamar - reading, math, writing

Keller ISD
Fossil Hill - reading

Lewisville ISD
Briarhill - reading, math, science
Downing - reading, math, writing, science
Creek Valley - reading
Delay - math
Forestwood - reading, math, writing, social studies
Huffines - math
Lamar - reading, math, writing
Durham - math, social studies, science
McKamy - all areas
Shadow Ridge - reading, writing, science

Lovejoy ISD
Lovejoy - all areas

McKinney ISD
Dowell - social studies

Melissa ISD
Melissa - social studies

Mesquite ISD
Terry - reading, writing

North Hills Prep charter school
North Hills - reading, math, writing

Plano ISD
Bowman - math
Rice - all areas
Frankford - reading, social studies
Haggard - reading
Hendrick - reading, math, social studies
Murphy - reading, writing, social studies
Renner - reading, math, writing, social studies
Robinson - all areas
Schimelpfenig - reading, math, social studies, science

Prosper ISD
Rogers - math

Richardson ISD
Parkhill - all areas
West - science

Westlake Academy charter school
Westlake - reading, writing

High Schools

The following high schools were high performing in all areas:

Carroll Senior High - Carroll ISD
Coppell - Coppell ISD
Early College - Dallas ISD
Science & Engineering magnet - Dallas ISD
Highland Park - Highland Park ISD
Killough 9th grade center for Lewisville High - Lewisville ISD
Lovejoy - Lovejoy ISD
Jasper - Plano ISD
Plano West - Plano ISD
Shepton - Plano ISD
9th grade center for Lake Highlands High - Richardson ISD
JJ Pearce - Richardson ISD

Plus, in the Hurst Euless Bedford ISD the 9th graders are in the junior highs and the following 9th grades were high performing in all areas:
Bedford Jr. High
Central Jr. High
Euless Jr. High
Hurst Jr. High

Here is the list of high schools who were determined to be high performing in at least one academic area:

Allen ISD
Allen - social studies
9th grade center - reading

Anna ISD
Anna - science

Argyle ISD
Argyle - reading, math, science

Carroll ISD
Carroll High School - math, social studies, science
Carroll Sr. High - all areas

Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD
Smith - science

Cedar Hill ISD
9th grade center - reading

Coppell ISD
Coppell - all areas

Dallas ISD
Booker T. Washington Performing/Visual Arts magnet - social studies, science
Early College - all areas
Public Service magnet - reading
Talented & Gifted magnet - reading, math, science
Business magnet - reading
Education/ Social Services magnet - reading
Health Professions magnet - reading
Science & Engineering magnet - all areas
Adamson - social studies
White - math

DeSoto ISD
9th grade center - math

Frisco ISD
Centennial - social studies
Frisco - social studies
Liberty - social studies, science
Wakeland - social studies

Garland ISD
Naaman Forest - social studies

Grand Prairie ISD
South Grand Prairie - social studies

Grapevine-Colleyville ISD
Colleyville Heritage - reading, social studies
Grapevine - reading

Gunter ISD
Gunter - reading

Highland Park ISD
Highland Park - all areas

Hurst Euless Bedford ISD
Bedford Jr. High 9th graders - all areas
Central Jr. High 9th graders - all areas
Euless Jr. High 9th graders - all areas
Harwood Jr. High 9th graders - math
Hurst Jr. High 9th graders - all areas

Irving ISD
Singley Academy - reading

Lewisville ISD
9th grade center for Lewisville High - all areas
Flower Mound - reading
Hebron - reading

Lovejoy ISD
Lovejoy - all areas

Mansfield ISD
Timberview - reading

McKinney ISD
Boyd - social studies

Plano ISD
Clark - math, science
Jasper - all areas
Plano East - social studies
Plano Sr. - reading, social studies, science
Plano West - all areas
Shepton - all areas
Williams - math

Richardson ISD
Berkner - math
9th grade center for Lake Highlands High - all areas
JJ Pearce - all areas

Waxahachie ISD
9th grade center - math

Friday, January 29, 2010

High Performing Schools - 4th/5th grades - according to Just 4 Kids

The organization National Center for Educational Achievement (NCEA) a/k/a Just 4 Kids determined the following 4th and 5th grades were high performing in the following schools.

Grades 4 and 5 analysis covered reading, math, science and writing. The methodology they used to determine which schools were high performing is a bit complicated, but is more than just looking at TAKS scores. You can it read here:

School - areas where 4th/5th graders are considered high performing

Allen ISD
Bolin - writing
Chandler - math
Boon - reading, writing
Green - reading, math
Norton - reading, math, science, writing
Marion - reading
Vaughn - science

Arlington ISD
Ashworth - reading, math, science
Burgin - reading
Ditto - math, science
Farrell - reading
Key - science, writing
Hale - science
Pope - writing
Williams - reading

Carroll ISD
Carroll - reading, math, science, writing
Durham - reading, math, science, writing
Durham Intermediate - reading, math
Eubanks Intermediate - reading, math
Johnson - reading, math, science, writing
Old Union - reading, math, science, writing
Rockenbaugh - reading, math, science, writing

Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD
Davis - reading, math, science, writing
Kent - reading, writing
McCoy - math, writing

Cedar Hill ISD
West Intermediate - reading

Coppell ISD
Cottonwood Creek - math
Denton Creek - reading, math, science, writing
Lakeside - reading, math, science, writing
Mockingbird - writing
Town Center - reading, science

Corsicana ISD
Bowie - math, science, writing
Navarro - math

Dallas ISD
Adelle Turner - writing
Anson Jones - math
Arcadia Park - science
Darrell - math
Tatum - math
Casa View - math
Central - writing
Rice - math
Russell - reading, science
Rowe - math
Martinez - science
Peabody - reading, math
Starks - reading, math
Brashear - reading, math, writing
Bryan - reading, math, science
Dorsey - math, writing
Lakewood - reading, writing
Harlee - writing
Hernandez - math
Thornton - writing
McNair - reading, math, science
San Jacinto - math
Tolbert - reading, math
Walnut Hill - math
Miller - math
Travis Talented & Gifted - reading, math, science, writing

Duncanville ISD
Brandenburg - reading

Forney ISD
Henderson - science

Frisco ISD
Anderson - math, writing, science
Bledsoe - reading, math, science, writing
Borchardt - reading, math, science, writing
Corbell - science
Curtsinger - reading, math, science
Fisher - reading, math, science
Isbell - writing, science
Pink - reading, math, science
Riddle - science
Rogers - science
Shawnee Trail - science
Smith - reading, math, science, writing
Sparks - math, science
Spears - reading, math, science, writing

Garland ISD
Beaver Tech - reading, math, science
Ethridge - math
Hillside Academy of Excellence - reading, math, science
Kimberlin Academy of Excellence - reading, math, science, writing
Montclair - reading, writing
Southgate - reading, writing
Spring Creek - reading
Toler - reading, writing
Walnut Glen Academy for Excellence - reading, math, science
Weaver - writing

Grand Prairie ISD
Whitt - writing
Zavala - writing

Grapevine-Colleyville ISD
Bransford - reading, math, science, writing
Colleyville - reading, math, science
Grapevine - science
Heritage - reading, science

Highland Park ISD
Armstrong - reading, math, science, writing
Bradfield - reading, math, science, writing
Hyer - reading, math, science, writing
McCulloch Intermediate - reading, math, science
University - reading, math, writing

Hurst Euless Bedford ISD
Bedford Heights - writing
Bell Manor - reading, math, science
Lakewood - science
Shady Brook - science
South Euless - math
Spring Garden - science
Wilshire - reading, writing

Irving ISD
Haley - math
Stipes - writing

Keller ISD
Bear Creek - reading, math, science, writing
Bluebonnet - writing
Hidden Lakes - reading

Lewisville ISD
BB Owen - writing
Bridlewood - reading, writing
Donald - science
Forest Vista - math, writing, science
Liberty - reading, writing
McAuliffe - reading

Lovejoy ISD
Lovejoy - reading, math, writing
Hart - reading, math

Mansfield ISD
Spencer - writing
Tipps - math, writing

McKinney ISD
McNeil - science
Eddins - math, science
Bennett - reading, math, science
Wolford - reading, math, science
Glen Oaks - science
Johnson - math, science
Walker - math, science
Valley Creek - reading, math, science, writing

Mesquite ISD
Galloway - math
Gentry - reading, math
Hanby - math
Mackey - reading, math, writing
Shands - reading
Tisinger - math

Plano ISD
Andrews - reading, math, writing, science
Barksdale - reading, math, writing, science
Bethany - reading, math, writing, science
Beverly - reading
Boggess - writing
Brinker - math
Centennial - reading, math, writing
Gulledge - reading, math, writing
Haun - math, science
Hedgcoxe - reading, math
Mathews - reading, math, writing, science
Miller - reading, math
Saigling - writing, science
Shepard - science
Skaggs - reading, math, writing, science
Stinson - reading, math, science
Wyatt - reading, math, science

Richardson ISD
Bowie - science
Brentfield - reading, math, writing, science
Forest Lane - math
Hamilton Park - math
Lake Highlands - science
Math/Science magnet - math, science
Northlake - science
Northrich - math, science
Prairie Creek - reading, math, writing, science
Richland - reading
RISD Academy - math

Rockwall ISD
Parks-Heath - reading, math, science
Hartman - writing
Springer - science

Sunnyvale ISD
Sunnyvale - math

Waxahachie ISD
Dunaway - reading, writing

Wylie ISD
Tibbals - math

Thursday, January 28, 2010

High Performing Schools - 3rd grade - according to Just 4 Kids

The organization National Center for Educational Achievement (NCEA) a/k/a Just 4 kids determined the following 3rd graders are in high performing schools. There is also a list for upper elementary, a list for middle school and a list for high school.

3rd grade analysis looked at reading and math. The methodology is a bit more involved than just looking at 3rd grade TAKS scores. It also considered demographics of the group and if the group performed better than predicted or not based on those demographics. (I think that's a way of saying they compared the schools to other schools with the same demographics to see how the school was doing relative to its peer schools.) It only considered test scores from students who had been in the school or district for at least 3 years.

School - area(s) in which the 3rd grade is high performing

Allen ISD
Bolin - math
Boon - math
Green - reading
Norton - math and reading
Kerr - math

Arlington ISD
Ashworth - math and reading
Pope - reading

Carroll ISD
Carroll - math and reading
Durham - math and reading
Johnson - math and reading
Old Union - math and reading
Rockenbaugh - math and reading

Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD
Country Place - math
Kent - math and reading
McCoy - math and reading
Rainwater - math
Sheffield - reading

Cedar Hill ISD
Lakeridge - math and reading
High Point - math and reading

Coppell ISD
Austin - reading
Denton Creek - math and reading
Lakeside - math and reading
Mockingbird - math and reading
Pinkerton - reading
Town Center - math
Valley Ranch - math and reading
Wilson - math and reading

Corsicana ISD
Bowie - math

Dallas ISD
Adelle Turner - math and reading
Casa View - math
Rice - math and reading
Pease - math and reading
Seguin - math
Botella - math
Peabody - math
Cueller - reading
Thompson - math
Starks - math
Bonham - math and reading
Fannin - reading
Brashear - math
Frazier - math
Lakewood - reading
Kahn - reading
MLK - math
Harlee - math
Lanier - reading
Marsalis - reading
Anderson - math and reading

DeSoto ISD
Woodridge - math and reading

Duncanville ISD
Hyman - math and reading
Acton - math and reading
Smith - math and reading
Fairmeadows - math and reading
Merrifield - math
Alexander - reading

Ennis ISD
Austin - math and reading
Bowie - math
Houston - math and reading
Travis - math and reading

Frisco ISD
Bledsoe - math and reading
Boals - math
Borchardt - math and reading
Corbell - math
Curtsinger - reading
Fisher - math and reading
Riddle - math and reading
Smith - math
Sparks - reading
Spears - math and reading

Garland ISD
Glen Couch - reading
Hillside Academy of Excellence - math and reading
Armstrong - math and reading
Kimberlin Academy of Excellence - math and reading
Pearson - math and reading
Northlake - math
Toler - math

Grand Prairie ISD
Bonham - reading
Dickinson - math
Moore - math
Houston - reading

Grapevine-Colleyville ISD
Bransford - math and reading
Colleyville - reading
Heritage - math
Taylor - math
Timberline - math and reading

Highland Park ISD
Armstrong - math and reading
Bradfield - math and reading
Hyer - math and reading
University Park - math and reading

Hurst Euless Bedford ISD
Harrison Lane - reading
River Trials - math and reading
Wilshire - math and reading

Irving ISD
Hanes - math

Keller ISD
Hidden Lakes - math and reading
Liberty - math
Willis Lane - reading

Lewisville ISD
Bridlewood - math and reading
Flower Mound - reading
Liberty - reading
McAuliffe - reading
Wellington - reading

Lovejoy ISD
Lovejoy - math and reading
Hart - math and reading

Mansfield ISD
Anderson - reading
Spencer - math
Tipps - math
Tarver-Rendon - math

McKinney ISD
McNeil - math
Burks - math
Eddins - reading
Bennett - math
Wolford - math and reading
Wilmeth - reading
Walker - math and reading
Valley Creek - math and reading
Webb - math

Mesquite ISD
Galloway - math

Plano ISD
Andrews - math and reading
Barksdale - math
Beverly - math and reading
Boggess - math
Brinker - math
Carlisle - reading
Gulledge - math and reading
Haun - math and reading
Hickey - math
Hightower - reading
Huffman - reading
Mathews - math and reading
Miller - reading
Saigling - math and reading
Skaggs - math and reading
Stinson - math and reading
Wyatt - math and reading

Richardson ISD
Brentfield - math and reading
Hamilton Park - math
Math/Science magnet - math
Mohawk - math
Northrich - math
Prairie Creek - math and reading
Spring Creek - math and reading
Wallace - reading
White Rock - math

Rockwall ISD
Parks-Heath - math and reading
Harman - math

Sunnyvale ISD
Sunnyvale - math and reading

Waxahachie ISD
Dunaway - math
Wedgeworth - math

Saturday, January 23, 2010

2009 Newsweek's List of Top High Schools

This is a bit late (published June 2009) and I confess I am not a fan of this list because it is determined by a ratio of AP/IB tests taken by all students in 2008 (get that - taken not passed) divided by the number of graduating seniors. I'm not sure what that tells us. If available, there is also a percentage given for the number of graduating seniors that passed at least one exam. Here are the local schools that made the list and the rank, plus the percentage of graduating seniors that passed at least one exam.
Link to Newsweek:

Rank - School (district) - % seniors who passed at least 1 AP/IB exam

1. Talented & Gifted magnet (Dallas ISD) - 65.2%
2. Science & Engineering magnet (Dallas ISD) - 100%
9. North Hills (charter) - 93.5%

23. Highland Park (Highland Park) - 71.5%

173. WT White (Dallas ISD) - 27.8%
175. Garland (Garland ISD) - not available
181. Heritage (Grapevine-Colleyville ISD) - 44%
187. Booker T Washington arts magnet (Dallas ISD) - n/a

222. McKinney (McKinney ISD) - 41%
225. Grapevine (Grapevine-Colleyville ISD) - 47.5%
228. Boyd (McKinney ISD) - n/a

251. Plano West (Plano ISD) - 52.4%
254. Coppell (Coppell ISD) - 35%

465. Richardson (Richardson ISD) - 32%
467. Plano (Plano ISD) - n/a
471. JJ Pearce (Richardson ISD) - 39.1%

578. Carroll (Southlake-Carroll ISD) - 46%

643. North (McKinney ISD) - 38%
657. Woodrow Wilson (Dallas ISD) - 36%

671. Newman Smith (Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD) - 50.4%
672. Keller (Keller ISD) - 30%
673. Plano East (Plano ISD) - 22%

730. Lake Highlands (Richardson ISD) - 33.1%
745. Bell (HEB ISD) - 30%

801. Trinity (HEB ISD) - 30%
859. Creekview (Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD) - 48%

912. Allen (Allen ISD) - 30%
915. Flower Mound (Lewisville ISD) - 46%
977. Legacy (Mansfield ISD) - n/a

1030. Berkner (Richardson ISD) - 15.9%
1049. Mansfield (Mansfield ISD) - n/a
1059. Hebron (Lewisville ISD) - 37%
1066. Summit (Mansfield ISD) - n/a

1100. Marcus (Lewisville ISD) - 41%

1241. Central (Keller ISD) - 19%
1286. Wakeland (Frisco ISD) - n/a
1288. The Colony (Lewisville ISD) - 29.1%

1345. Timberview (Mansfield ISD) - n/a
1348. Martin (Arlington ISD) - n/a

1432. Naaman Forest (Garland ISD) - 12%
1498. Centennial (Frisco ISD) - 30%
1549. Frisco (Frisco ISD) - n/a

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Suburban Elementary Schools and Low Income Student Populations

Some people make the mistake of thinking all suburban schools are filled with wealthy students. That is not always the case at all. The following schools are Dallas suburban elementary schools that have at least a 60% or higher low income student population. Low income students are the students that are on the free and reduced lunch program.

Percent low income - Elementary School

Allen ISD
no elementary school with at least a 60% low income student population

Anna ISD
no elementary school with at least a 60% low income student population

Argyle ISD
no elementary school with at least a 60% low income student population

Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD
90.3% - Central
87.3% - Carrollton

79.7% - Blair Intermediate
79.1% - Farmers Branch
75.3% - Strickland Intermediate
74.3% - Blanton
73.2% - Stark
72.2% - McWhorter

69.6% - Good
66.4% - Sheffield Intermediate
64.4% - Thompson

Cedar Hill ISD
67.5% - Highlands
61.0% - Plummer

Coppell ISD
no elementary school with at least a 60% low income student population

Carroll ISD
no elementary school with at least a 60% low income student population

Denton ISD
79.9% - Rivera
72.5% - Borman
70.5% - Lee
63.9% - Hodge
67.5% - Evers Park
61.7% - Rayzor

DeSoto ISD
71.5% - Terrace
65.2% - Northside
63.8% - Moates
61.4% - Woodridge

Duncanville ISD
85.1% - Fairmeadows
84.1% - Central
82.5% - Acton
80.4% - Merrifield

78.0% - Hardin Intermediate
77.2% - Bilhartz
75.5% - Hastings

66.8% - Brandenburg Intermediate
62.3% - Daniel Intermediate

Ennis ISD
70.3% - Houston
69.7% - Travis
67.9% - Bowie
65.2% - Ennis Intermediate
63.1% - Austin

Forney ISD
no elementary school with at least a 60% low income student population

Frisco ISD
no elementary school with at least a 60% low income student population

Garland ISD
81.6% - Caldwell
78.7% - Bullock
77.9% - Daugherty
76.5% - Bradfield
76.4% - Centerville

75.8% - Handley
75.2% - Park Crest
73.4% - Shorehaven

70.5% - Southgate
70.3% - Williams
70.2% - Freeman

69.3% - Weaver
68.5% - Ethridge
68.5% - Golden Meadows
68.3% - Davis
66.2% - Montclair

63.8% - Roach
63.7% - Heather Glen
62.6% - Carver
62.4% - Northlake

Grand Prairie ISD
88.7% - Fannin
86.9% - Houston
86.3% - Daniels
85.9% - Garcia
85.7% - Bowie
84.4% - Travis

82.6% - Bonham
80.7% - Austin
80.7% - Hobbs Williams
80.6% - Crockett
80.5% - Milam

79.4% - Johnson
78.8% - Seguin
77.7% - Rayburn
71.8% - Bush

61.6% - Marshall
60.5% - Whitt
61.0% - Zavala

Grapevine-Colleyville ISD
63.7% - Timberline
60.6% - Cannon

Highland Park ISD
This district has not one single low income student in its entire district at any level.

Hurst Euless Bedford ISD
86.7% - Bellaire
74.0% - Oakwood Terrance
73.1% - Harrison Lane
64.6% - Midway Park

Irving ISD
89.6% - Britain
89.1% - Good
88.8% - Gilbert
88.6% - Keyes
88.4% - J. Haley

85.4% - Schulze
82.2% - Lively
81.6% - Johnston
81.0% - Barton

78.8% - Brown
78.1% - Townsell
76.4% - Davis
73.7% - T. Haley
73.5% - Brandenburg
70.3% - Lee

68.3% - Farine
67.2% - Stipes
67.0% - Townley
66.3% - Elliott
63.4% - Hanes

Keller ISD
no elementary school with at least a 60% low income student population

Lancaster ISD
88.2% - Pleasant Run
87.6% - W. Main
87.1% - Rolling Hills
85.3% - Parks/Millbrook

84.9% - Belt Line
84.0% - Lancaster
76.3% - Houston

Lewisville ISD
89.5% - Central
81.3% - Lakeland
78.5% - Hedrick

70.0% - Independence
68.3% - Peters Colony
63.1% - Southridge

Little Elm ISD
no elementary school with at least a 60% low income student population

Lovejoy ISD
no elementary school with at least a 60% low income student population

Mansfield ISD
70.1% - Nash
65.8% - Ponder
63.5% - Harmon

McKinney ISD
84.6% - Finch
80.6% - Caldwell
69.4% - Malvern
69.2% - Burks
62.6% - Webb

Melissa ISD
no elementary school with at least a 60% low income student population

Mesquite ISD
85.6% - Floyd
81.8% - Motley
80.5% - Mackey

79.2% - Tisinger
79.1% - McWhorter
77.9% - Gray
77.8% - Range
77.5% - Seabourn
78.4% - Hanby

72.4% - Florence
72.1% - Galloway
72.1% - Tosch
70.4% - Hodges

69.8% - Shands
65.9% - Price
65.4% - Lawrence
62.8% - McKenzie

Midlothian ISD
no elementary school with at least a 60% low income student population

Plano ISD
62.0% - Meadows
60.4% - Mendenhall

Prosper ISD
no elementary school with at least a 60% low income student population

Red Oak ISD
no elementary school with at least a 60% low income student population

Richardson ISD
95.9% - Bukhair
93.5% - RISD Academy/Dobie
89.9% - Spring Valley
87.9% - Skyview
87.3% - Thurgood Marshall

84.9% - Dover
82.0% - Aiken
81.8% - Northlake
80.1% - Mark Twain

79.4% - Audelia Creek
79.2% - Forest Lane Academy
74.9% - Forestridge
71.9% - O'Henry
71.2% - Stults Rd.

65.8% - Terrace
64.3% - Wallace
63.1% - Northrich
63.1% - Richland
60.4% - Heights

Rockwall ISD
no elementary school with at least a 60% low income student population

Royse City ISD
no elementary school with at least a 60% low income student population

Terrell ISD
73.7% - Long
66.2% - Wood/Kennedy/Burnett

Waxahachie ISD
66.2% - Wedgeworth

Wylie ISD
no elementary school with at least a 60% low income student population

Monday, January 4, 2010

US News & World Report America's Best High Schools

On Dec. 9, 2009, US News & World Report magazine released its yearly list of America's Best High Schools. This is for the 2007-2008 school year. Their methodology is detailed here:

Here are the local schools that made the list:

Gold Winners (top 100 schools nation wide - this area had 3 schools in the top 100)

#5 Talented and Gifted Magnet School - Dallas ISD
#8 Science and Engineering Magnet School - Dallas ISD
#71 Highland Park High School - Highland Park ISD

Silver Winners (not ranked - this area had 8 schools in this group)

Coppell High School - Coppell ISD
The Academy - Irving ISD
JJ Pearce High - Richardson ISD
Richardson High - Richardson ISD
Business & Management Magnet School - Dallas ISD
Education & Social Services Magnet School - Dallas ISD
Law Magnet School - Dallas ISD
Health Professions Magnet - Dallas ISD

Bronze Winners (not ranked - this area had 3 schools in this group)

Gunter High - Gunter ISD
Middle College - Dallas ISD
Pegasus Charter School - downtown Dallas

Honorable Mention (not ranked - this area had 1 school in this group)

North Hills Prep Charter School - Irving